Guest House Exhibition

Exhibiton at the Gallery La Boîte, curated by Franca Drewes and Oliver Vaccaro, as part of the festival Monat der Fotografie-Off Berlin.

Enric Duch  | Guest House  | Zoologischer Garten Berlin  | 2012

For over a year Enric Duch has been exploring the living conditions of animals in three german zoos. His particular eye for the architectural surrounding is visualizing a contradictory relationship of human beings and animals inside of artificial spaces: The zoo is filled with ideal ideas of nature and cultural fragments of different parts of the world. The animals seem to be in there nothing more than a decorations in addition to exotic plants and artificial rocks. The photo serie “Guest House” is presenting a heterotopic zoo-situation: The animals are surrounded by architectonic elements of collective ideas of their vanished biosphere, they are functioning as living metaphors of the desire for a lost paradise.

Monat der Fotografie Off Berlin

Vernissage Thu. 13.11.2014 at 18:30
The exhibition will run from 17.10.2014-30.11.2014 at la Boîte, Bötzowstr. 14, 10407 Berlin.
Opening times:
Mon-Fri: 14-18
Sat: 15-21
Sun: 15-19